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Welcome to Quinta Style

Founded in 2004, Quinta Style has built it’s reputation in the Portuguese interior design industry with a philosophy built on customer service. The rest comes from passion, as well as implementing a work method that ensures every single detail of a project is covered from start to finish in an easy and transparent way.

We describe ourselves as a Boutique Interior Design company because our service is customised to each property, and the products we offer are not mass-produced. We partner with local craftsmen to create furnishings that are bespoke and of a superior quality. This also ensures each property we work on has some of the soul of Portugal and supports the local economy.

The scope of our work is also highly adaptable and flexible. From the smallest residential interior update to the largest commercial design project, we give the same amount of care and focus. We have our own logistics centre which gives us full control over quality, warehousing & installation, along with a detailed inventory administrative system that tracks and stores every item used in a project.


Meet the Team

Our team members are passionate, professional and always ready to go the extra mile to ensure our clients’ needs are met.

Astrid Schep

Founder / Interior Design Director

Maarten Hesselink

Founder / General Director

ALICIA Oliveira

Sales Consultant

Lizelle Sebastião

Sales Consultant

Marta Domingos

Interior Designer

Marcia Martins

Architect / Interior Designer

Diana bulgac

Interior Design Assistant

Patrícia barbosa

Interior Design Assistant

Patricia Moreira

Interior Design Support

Cláudio Figueiras

Delivery & Installations Coordinator

Marcos Ventura

Delivery & Installation Specialist

Diogo guerreiro

Delivery & Installation Assistant

Clara Correia

Warehouse Coordinator

Leonardo Horta

Logistics Coordinator

Pedro Nobre

Chief Financial Officer

Studio Shop Questions & Answers

Here you can find questions concerning how to start a new project, how we work, fees & more.

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